What is emotional age?

Emotional age is defined as the mental ability a person possesses to analyze events that accompany us, and our ways of dealing with these events and people in our lives.
When I want to determine an emotional age of a patient, I examine several parameters:

1. How much  importance the patient gives to external factors, and how much influence he  thinks he has over them (They took from me, because of him, etc.). i.e. blaming others
2. The level of difficulty experienced with coping and in containing the events.
3. Does the patient take personal responsibility for events in his life, especially those that are interpreted as negative?
4. Does the patient see his or her life as positive or negative (want to harm me, life is hard / cruel).
5. Are impulsive and disproportionate responses displayed? (Anger, aggravation, escape, injury) or there is forethought, is there a relatively objective analytical capacity, realistic reasoning.
6. Does the person have a low / high self-image?

A low emotional age can also be observed in children or a decline in emotional age following an event / trauma / experience that is interpreted as strong for the child.
An 8-year-old boy who behaves as a 3-year-old – crying, stubbornness, clinging to a parent, demanding constant attention, etc. is an example of this.

The emotional age of a person can be increased by means of a simple, fast (quantum) technique using horse energy from afar.

The raising of the emotional age directly affects financial age.

 What is the financial age?

Financial age is the ability to deal with money derived from financial intelligence.
Financial intelligence is not only knowledge of numbers and mathematical calculations, but also the ability to judge and make decisions when it comes to spending.

No matter how much the person will earn, he will always spend much more without reason or the ability to understand what the future damage will be financially.
People with a low financial age will often have huge debts or negative bank balances, and will continue to take more and more loans and spend regardless of income level.
They do not have the ability to make profit and loss balance sheets for themselves, or in other words, to arrange income versus expenses.
Their quality of life in all aspects is impaired as a result of this behavior.

There are many causes for this kind of behavior,
Some of them come through cellular memory, in the intergenerational transmission from parents and the family lineage.
Some of them reproduce incorrect financial behavior derived from the environment, home, friends, etc.
Some are traumas that have already been created in the embryo stage.

The treatment of low financial age via horse energy is quantum (fast) and simple.

It is done by raising the awareness of a person to his condition, by sending energetic tools, to eradicate the feelings of victimization, traumas and the fears associated with money.

I strongly recommend!! That we take responsibility for our lives, take it upon ourselves to
undergo a process of personal and cognitive development,
In order to prevent the situation from reoccurring.

This is an ongoing process over the years and is necessary to preserve the quality of life and strengthen the treatment.

“As long as the candle is burning, you can fix it.”
“As long as we breathe through our noses, we can repair our dimensions.”
“Salvation of God in a blink of an eye.”

Shabbat Shalom 💫🐴
Horses energy – energetic treatments.
Directly from the horses.
Workshops for therapeutic tools for distance healing.


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